Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever’s Women on the Wing Initiative will inspire and provide opportunities for women to become engaged, dynamic conservationists. Women on the Wing will draw from our experience and passion to deliver local events designed to cultivate new sportswomen; connect women landowners, farmers and ranchers; and create a community of women dedicated to carrying on our upland traditions and the Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever mission.
Our Women, Wine & Wild Game events gather women that are interested in sustainable food sourcing, hunting, or who otherwise have an affinity for the outdoors. The events demonstrate the connections between land stewardship and opportunities to hunt wild game, while also fostering a greater understanding of the Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever mission. These events have been used to kick-off Women on the Wing chapters or to engage more women in the organization.
There are about 1 million women farmers and ranchers in the United States, owning one-third of all working lands. An additional 87 million acres are owned by non-operating women landowners. There is an opportunity to connect with women landowners and operators. Our Conservation Outreach programs engage landowners and operators through women-tailored conservation workshops and learning opportunities.
Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever works with the Women’s Food and Agriculture Network (WFAN) and drawing on shared experiences of providing conservation outreach. Through WFAN’s work, we know that women prefer to learn about conservation from other women in an informal “learning circle” format, and want to see themselves and their values reflected in outreach materials, expressed in non-technical language. The WFAN program serves women farmland landowners who are interested in learning more about conservation. Women Caring for the LandSM and Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever has been working to hold these events across several states including Illinois, Iowa, North Dakota and Wisconsin thus far.
Women on the Wing chapters have the same goals as traditional chapters. Volunteers are integral in our fight to protect wildlife and preserve our hunting heritage. Become involved in a Pheasants Forever or Quail Forever chapter today.
All our women’s efforts tie back to recruiting the next generation of hunter-conservationists, be it wingshooting clinics, learn-to-hunt events or Cast & Blast events, we’re passionate about providing women opportunities to get afield while educating them on the importance of habitat conservation.
This emerging artist captures wilderness in colored pencil.
A unique conservation outreach program that's building connections and leaders.
Some male thoughts on a welcome (and long overdue) trend.
Just the thing to keep your dogs safe and your neighbors happy.
One mentor's pledge to introduce new people to the outdoors in 2020.
The perfect pairing for your next fresh game meal.
One hunter’s journey paints a pathway to the outdoors.
We welcome you to join us this Thursday, August 20th at 6:00 p.m. CST for a unique spin on one of our Women on the Wing signature events.
Marilyn Vetter and Nancy Anisfield, members of Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever’s National Board of Directors and longtime hunters, join the podcast to talk about their first-hand experiences during the growth of women in bird hunting over the last thirty years.
Adventure, love and memories: Keeping an entire litter of bird dogs will give you more then you bargained for … in a good way.
Danielle Prewett joins the podcast to talk about the upcoming Women on the Wing virtual event. You’ll want to listen to hear Danielle’s tips for easily preparing pheasant meat, but you’ll also want to listen to the stories of her first hunts, first birds, beloved bird dogs, and wine pairings for other wild upland game meats.
Host Bob St. Pierre is joined by PF/QF Education & Outreach Program Manager Marissa Jensen and Jorge Ramirez, founder of, to talk quail hunting in California and Arizona. Jorge also discusses different strategies for hunting Western quail on public land, without a dog.
You can work with your bird dog and train all summer long ... you just have to be smart about it. Here's how.
The prairie's bounty offers much more than these summertime muffins.
Three women who hunt talk about discovering who they are, and why upland conservation is so important.
A gamebird mulberry recipe with a perfect message, always remember to pause and take it all in.
Everlasting friendship, essential companionship, unconditional love … in challenging and isolated times, our bird dogs stand by us.
Spring is a great time to look for wild edibles that can be used to complement your favorite upland game bird recipes.
Paying tribute this Mother's Day to the women who helped introduce us to the outdoors
The second in a five-part series, presented by onX, highlighting walk-in programs opening private land to public land bird hunters.
Reflections on bird dogs, wild places and heavenly moments.
Pheasants Forever launches new site to connect and cultivate sportswomen for the uplands.
Calling all female conservationist for the second annual Women, Wine & Wild Game event at National Pheasant Fest and Quail Classic.
The vision of the initiative is simple: To expand and diversify those who hold an appreciation for the uplands, and to increase the opportunities to share our passion with others.
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Thanks to the generosity and inspiration from supporters across the country, Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever has built upon your vision to create and invest in the Women on the Wing initiative. We believe in this initiative and know that it is an integral part of the future of conservation. Please consider supporting this initiative with the donation form below:
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