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Gamebird Gourmet // Whole Cajun Pheasant
Pheasants Forever
2/12/2021 2:07:32 PM
Recipes & Cooking
Recipes & Cooking
2/12/2021 2:07:32 PM
Savor every bit of your favorite gamebird, with a little added spice
What a great way to not leave out any of the bird! Grab your favorite Cajun seasoning for injecting, then follow if up with a Cajun shaker for even more spice. Super easy, really fast & great flavor!
Recipe: Whole Cajun Pheasant
Whole pheasant
Soluble Cajun Seasoning
Cajun Rub
Duck Fat Spray
Dissolve 1 lb of seasoning in 2 qts of water and inject the pheasant until it weighs 15% more than before you began injecting.
Separate skin from the breast meat by sliding your hand between the skin and the meat.
Pour the Cajun rub directly onto the meat and then spread it across the breast with your fingers.
Spray the outside of both the top and the bottom of the bird with duck fat and then cover the skin with more Cajun rub.
Set you smoker to 225° and smoke pheasant until internal temp is 165° and then serve hot!
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